Saturday, March 21, 2015

My take on the Diabetes unConference in Sin City

Since discovering the #DOC back in 2008  (my first #dblog was at when I was trying to figure out how to use an insulin pump after 41 years of being a human dart board  ... life has changed so much for the better.

Before that time, I didn't know many diabetics that I could chat with, especially on insulin pumps, In order to get the answers I needed for my burning questions on how to use my pump, I went to various online groups based in America such as, .

It was amazing how much help I got from these various sites, and despite not being in person with everyone, I no longer felt alone dealing with this roller coaster ride.  It was like a breath of fresh air (ahhh - the smell of a hunky hairy chested dude bathing in  Irish Spring!!! PG13)

Spring forward (and we have changed our clocks) .... and we come to the weekend of March 13th, 2015 ... Sin City ... land of make believe and OMG ... 90 diabetics all grouped together at the 1st Diabetes unConference!!! Combined together - we little guinea pigs  running on the big blue wheel - calculated that we have almost ......

2,000 years of the roller coaster ride of diabetes!!!! 

The above 4-legged creature maybe a rat - sorry - the wheel is BLUE ... okay - I'm an artzy fartzy gal!!!

Wow - back off the wheel - phew - I'm out of shape .... that is ALOT of years of diabetes all in one room!!!

Over the period of 3 days we talked / drank / screamed / laughed / farted (sorry - I dropped a rose ) / cried ... alot of emotions/thoughts that had only been retained in our sponge brains were shared within the group discussions that were held at 10 tables within the conference room.  It was frigging amazing!!!!!

Even better was that no one was allowed to use their mobiles for Tweeter / Facebook / picture taking (good thing - since being a Canadian - I couldn't afford a data plan for the USA).  It was really nice ... having everyone not hunched over their little machines.

I think the most important thing for me was meeting up with other diabetics that are new to the #DOC - and I am hoping that they are now encouraged to spread the word about this event - perhaps get into writing their own blogs (and as I  told one attendee - who was wanting to start blogging and worried about "who will read my blog?")......

It does NOT matter

You do NOT have to be one of the "famous" American bloggers that were at this event!   Whatever words you put down - in dealing with your diabetes is the most IMPORTANT thing. That is how it is for me .... blogging / advocating for many of us is a way of creating what we hope is a better educated world for others to understand what diabetes is all about.  And for me, it's almost like talking to a head shrink!

So, if you are hoping to attend the next #Duncon event (rumour is it will be held in Sin City again for 2016) .... check for updates on the Facebook ** page or via Twitter (where I haven't been banned from .... yet).

Meanwhile, the Glee episode on the 13th of March with their version of "Come Sail Away" originally performed by Styx (oh oh  - aging myself here)  is the purrfect music that will make me remember how strong all of us are with our battle of the roller coaster ride of diabetes every day!!!

** Please note - due to Facebook complaining that I am not a legit person - they have shut down my page until further notice (they are like Gestapo agents!! ) - so I'm slightly cut off from the #DOC at the moment that posts there alot.  It is abit difficult since I'm still coming down from the high of being with all of these great diabetics last week.  I perhaps feel like some of the diabetics who could either not afford  to attend, or did not find out about the event until it was too late to register .... like an outsider ....  bu the main thing ... you can find me posting more at Tudiabetes again!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

Well, I'm on the road again this week after a few weeks back from my last trip.  This time it's off to Las Vegas to attend the Diabetes unConference  which is run by a great team of many well-known American bloggers / advocates in the DOC (Diabetic Online Community).  I'm not dropping names, but you probably know who they are!  

While I'm really excited to go, meet everyone that I only know online, at the same time I'm wondering if I've bitten off more than I can chew as I try to stay on top of roller coaster ride blood sugars.  It's tough!!!  I've taken on more jobs this year (mainly all diabetes related - jezz I wonder why?) and now this past week, my DH and I decided to put the house on the market  .... 

It’s time to move!  

Picture from
So, a quick 5 day purge of the house, to make rooms look bigger, yadda, yadda, yadda for the potential buyer in our 810 sq. ft. house has been an exhausting and emotional ordeal (I now know what it feels like for people on these shows where they have to get rid of their stuff ... not fun ... and we've had to do it fast!!!).  What is funny my house seemed bigger to me, but then I’m used to living on a sailboat during the summer months, which is about 275 sq. ft.  I guess I'm very happy in small places?

Back to the reason for this blog ... packing to go to Vegas has been a THRILL (not really)!  Between making sure I don't pack away all my clothing (how many t-shirts can a woman own???) and ensuring that I still can find what has not been packed away (we're loading up a van with all our crap/excess furniture tomorrow into storage, that our real estate agent demanded be removed).  It's a weird feeling, and at times, I've had panic attacks thinking I've packed something I may need over the months while the house is on the market (I'm thinking realistically of a 3 month wait ... if longer ... for this place to sell - since I don't see many small places like ours on the market ... just HUGE places ... e.g. 1,200 sq. ft.).  So, watch for my blog post in a few months about being admitted into a looney bin (written by my DH perhaps???).

Seriously though, with this all going on, my blood sugars, even with the Dexcom, are all over the map (just like I have been with travelling).  I have had to remove furnishings that stored my much loved diabetic "stuff"; I'm reduced to having to ensure that I can locate things in as quick a time as needed.  Especially with having to get ready to go on the road trip to Las Vegas. 

The only good thing about going to this conference though, which just dawned on me as I am typing this out!  If I forget something, there will be other diabetics that I can go to for help!!!  The main thing though is I do travel abit, so I've sort of got it down pat with what I have to bring along with me to keep my diabetes in check.  One tip I can highly recommend ... zip lock bags!!!!  You can see exactly what is inside ... though trust me ... I still panic sometimes that I forget something!

As an Animas insulin pumper, one thing that they have for their clients is a great check list that comes with the  insulin pump startup kit (sadly - I'd hoped they also had it online - but the one that you see in this link is not as good for some reason).  In the list I was given, they want you to bring almost 3X what you would need in infusion sets/insulin cartridges for the time you are away.  Yes, I bring a few spares on top of what I need (hey - imagine if you ripped out your infusion set by accident .. it happens!!!).  So far, touch wood, never had any problems going that route.  I can also pack it all either into my carry on or my brief case - and that's up to sometimes 3 weeks!  Though at that point, things are bulging on my luggage slightly, but I survive.

Well, back to packing boxes - donating what I don't need to Salvation Army, and getting some work done so I can pay my bills for upcoming adventures around the globe plus eventually settling into a new home for many more years to come!!!  Oh I know I'm going to be Happy!!!
Picture from